Activity report 2021

Hourglass icon

Association Save the Jewish Cemetery Währing

Logo without text

The association can also look back on a very successful year in 2021. Due to Corona, tours and volunteer days had to be canceled, but the renovation work could be carried out according to plan. Basically, the association focuses on two aspects of the renovations:

  • Partial area renovations
  • Individual grave renovations

Partial area renovation 6 to 8

In 2021, the burial grounds of sub-areas 6 to 8 could be rehabilitated. The volunteers made a great contribution to the rapid implementation of the restoration work, as they prepared the site accordingly, so that the stonemasons could fully concentrate on merging and erecting gravestones.

Grabsteine vor Sanierung
Grabsteine nach Sanierung

Tours 2021

The association year started with a strict lockdown, which led to the cancellation of the guided tours in January to April. Guided tours were able to resume in May through November until the 5th lockdown occurred on November 22, eliminating guided tours in December. Despite the closure, 192 people took part in cemetery tours. Another 139 visitors came to visit the cemetery without a guided tour. Under the guidance of experienced guides, the participants gained insight into the history of the cemetery and were able to see for themselves the great progress being made in the renovation.

Successful individual grave renovations

In 2021, the first individual grave renovations could be completed. The individual grave restorations are financed by private individuals or institutions and are carried out under the supervision of the Federal Monuments Office and in compliance with halachic rules.

Grave no.: 1.06.007 Rosalia Mandel (née Menzel)

Grave 1.06.007 Rosalia Mandel before
Grave 1.06.007 Rosalia Mandel afterwards

Grave no.: 02.03.038 Emanuel Redlich

Grave 02.03.038 Emanuel Redlich before
Grab 02.03.038 Emanuel Redlich nachher

Tomb no: 1.3.45-46-47: Epstein-Teixeira de Mattos family

Tomb no: 1.3.45-46-47: Epstein-Teixeira de Mattos family previously
Tomb no: 1.3.45-46-47: Epstein-Teixeira de Mattos family afterwards

Grave No: 18.1.8 Ephrussi

Grave no.: 18.1.8 Ephrussi before
Tomb no: 18.1.8 Ephrussi after

Statement of account 2021

Statement of account 2021

Proponents and sponsors

An essential part of the association’s work is the search for proponents who support the association with their expertise, their network or financially. They come from business, culture, art, religion and politics.

Proponents: Johannes Abensberger, Renate Anderl, Dr. Hannes Androsch, Univ.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Aulitzky, Dr. Harry Bergmann, Mag. Sandra Berkson, Dr. Brigitte Bierlein, Mag. Eva Blimlinger, Wolfgang Böck, Mag. Martin Böhm, Univ.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Brandstetter, -Timna Brauer, Dkfm. Michael Brooks, Dr. Emil Brix, Prof. Dr. Michael Bünker, Shlomit Butbul, Dr. Herbert Cordt, Oskar Deutsch, Dr. Christoph Dichand, Georg Doppelhofer, Mercedes Echerer, Klaus Edelhauser, Mag. Karoline Edtstadler, Erhard Ernst, Werner Faymann, Dr. Annemarie Fenzl, Dr. Günter Geyer, Roman Grinberg, Dr. Heimo Hackl, KommRat Peter Hanke, Dr. Michael Häupl, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Klaus Herrmann, Ing. Wolfgang Hesoun, Oliver Hirschbiegel, Prof. Dr. Josef Höchtl, Dr. Wolfgang Hofer, Univ.Prof. Dr. Clemens Jabloner, Wolfgang Jansky, Mag. Maria Jelenko-Benedikt, Dr. Friedrich Jergtisch, UnivProf. Dr. Ulrich Jordis, Patricia Kahane, Josef Kalina, Veronika Kaup-Hasler, Wolfgang Katzian, Norbert Kettner, Ing. Ewald Kirschner, Prof. Dr. Raoul Kneucker, Thomas Kralinger, Sebastian Kurz, Werner Kogler, Herbert Lackner, DDr. Michael Landau, Peter Landesmann, Martin Lechner, Dr. Michael Ludwig, Martina Ludwig-Faymann, Dr. Harald Mahrer, Beate Meinl-Reisinger, Dr. Ralph Müller, Harald Neumann, Beatrix Neundlinger, Rainer Nowak, Univ.Prof. Dr. Edwald Nowotny, Dr. Christian Nusser, Cornelius Obonya, Dr. Josef Ostermayer, Hermann Petz, Caroline Pienkos, DDr. Horst Pirker, DI Josef Pröll, Dr. Johanna Rachinger, Christian Rainer, Dr. Claus Raidl, UnivProf. Mag. DDr. Oliver Rathkolb, Dr. Pamela Rendi-Wagner, Mag. Marie Ringler, Dr. Walter Rothensteiner, DI Walter Ruck, Mag. Andreas Schieder, Mag. Martin Schlaff, Mag. Dr. Heide Schmidt, Richard Schmitt, Rabbi Arthur Schneier, HR Dr. Karl Schütz, Peter Schöber, E. Randol Schoenberg, Dr. Kurt Scholz, Dr. Timothy Smolka, Mag. Wolfgang Sobotka, Dr. Georg Sprin-ger, Prof. Elisabeth Stadler, MMag. Oliver Stauber, Dr. Barbara Staudinger, Dr. Dwora Stein, Mag. Dr. Eveline Steinberger-Kern, Cardinal Dr. Christoph Schönborn, Alois Steinbichler, Erwin Steinhauer, Katharina Stemberger, DI Friedrich Stickler, Mag. Terezi-ja Stojsits, Ing. Karl-Hein Strauss, Sissy and Max Strauss, Ing. Karl-Heinz Strauss, Karin Strobl, Dr. Hannes Sulzenbacher, Dr. Josef Taus, Dr. Paul Tesarek, Dr. Andreas Treichl, Armin Thurnher, Univ.Prof. Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen, Dr. Franz Vranitzky, Dr. Anton Wais, Stefan Wallner, Christiane Wenkheim, Dr. Alexander Wrabetz, Wolfgang Zehetner.

Scientific advisory board

The following persons belong to the honorary scientific advisory board:

Matti Bunzl (Wien Museum), Prof. Mag. Dr. Klaus Davidowicz (Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Vienna), Dr. Raimund Fastenbauer (Secretary General for Jewish Affairs in the IKG), Annemarie Fenzl (Austrian historian and archivist), Ing. Georg Gaugusch (employee of the Heraldic-Genealogical Society “Adler” in Vienna), Schlomo Hofmeister (German Rabbi and Community Rabbi of the Jewish Community Vienna.), Hofrat Dr. Karl Schütz

Sponsors and supporters


The importance of volunteering at the cemetery

The volunteer work is an essential support for the preparation of the restoration work by the commissioned Atelier Dombau-meister Dr. Zehetner and its stonemason companies. Volunteer work is also valued financially on an annual basis. A total of 1,224 operating hours were documented and valued at an hourly rate of EUR 20.66. Volunteering was therefore worth EUR 25,287.00 in 2021.

In accordance with the 2001 Washington Agreement, volunteer services related to the restoration of the cemetery will be compensated 100% from the Restitution Fund and therefore will again benefit the cemetery.

Cemetery symbols

The cemetery always invites to discovery tours. Whether it’s epitaphs or symbols on the tombstones, for example, it never gets boring. During a stroll through the site, many different symbols stand out. Within the framework of the exhibition space, which is currently being implemented, their significance will also be explained in more detail to future visitors.

Der Friedhof ladet immer wieder zu Entdeckungstouren ein. Ob es Grabinschriften oder beispielsweise Symbole auf den Grabsteinen sind, es wird niemals langweilig. Bei einem Streifzug durch das Gelände fallen viele unterschiedliche Symbole auf. Im Rahmen des in Umsetzung befindlichen Ausstellungsraumes sollen deren Bedeutung auch den zukünftigen Besuchern näher erklärt werden.

New logo for the association

The symbol of the hourglass with the angel wings is found above the entrance gate to the Tahara House and is the symbol of the rapidly passing time. The association has chosen this symbol as its new logo.

Hourglass icon

Celebrities at the cemetery

With Federal Minister Mag. Karoline Edtstadler we could welcome another member of the government at the cemetery on 20.9.2021.

Federal Minister Karoline Edtstadler at the cemetery
With Federal Minister Mag. Karoline Edtstadler we could welcome another member of the government at the cemetery on 20.9.2021.
Cardinal Dr. Christoph Schönborn at the cemetery
On Sept. 3, 2021, Cardinal Dr. Christoph Schönborn visited the cemetery, which is steeped in history.

Outlook 2022

  • For the calendar year 2022, the renovation of the graves on subplot 9 is on the agenda. There are about 200 to 230 gravestones. Funding will come from a grant from the Chancellor’s Office that has already been committed.
  • Implementation of the already developed exhibition concept and design of the exhibition space in the Tahara House.
  • Continuation of Volunteer Days (dates: March 13, April 10, May 8, June 12, July 10, August 14, September 11, October 9, November 13, 2022).
  • Monthly cemetery tours (dates: March 13, April 10, May 8, June 12, July 10, August 14, September 11, October 9, November 13, December 11, 2022. )
  • Participation again in the Day of the Monument on 25.9.2022
  • Due to a cooperation with the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments, donations to us, if transferred to the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments, are tax deductible.

Federal Monuments Office 1010 Vienna
IBAN: AT07 0100 0000 0503 1050
Action code for fundraiser: A283

  • Call for donations “adjacent area to sub-area 11”. In addition to the redevelopment of subarea 11, which has already been funded, the Association would like to line up funding for the redevelopment of the adjacent subarea (highlighted in red). Please help! Many thanks

Media owner and publisher: Verein Rettet den Jüdischen Friedhof Währing; Goldschmiedgasse 10, 1010 Vienna
Contributions: Mag. Andrea Schellner;
Photos: Mag. Andrea Schellner
Published once a year
Board of Directors: Chairman Günther W. Havranek, Deputy Chairman Dr. Jennifer Kickert, Deputy Chairman Dr. Ariel Muzicant, Director for Monument Protection/Care Dr. Gerbert Frodl, Secretary Dr. Susanne Schober-Bendixen, Treasurer Mag. Andrea Schellner, Director for Marketing Karl Javurek, Director for Religious Affairs Mag. Elie Rosen
Basic direction of the medium: Restoration ofthe Jewish Cemetery Währing; raising funds that serve the structural maintenance of the cemetery complex. Responsible : Günther W. Havranek

Association Save the Jewish Cemetery Währing, ZVR: 953840753; Info-Point Cemetery: Schrottenbachgasse 3, 1190 Vienna

Download the report as PDF (in German): Activity Report-2021.pdf

A day as a volunteer at the Jewish cemetery Währing!

A day as a volunteer at the Jewish cemetery Währing!

Every second Sunday of the month, the association Rettet den jüdischen Friedhof Währing calls for volunteers. Today is Sunday 7/12/2020 and, in addition to my work as a financial officer in the association, I would like to volunteer once on site to help clear the wild growth at the cemetery. Equipped with gloves, pruning shears, and a wheelbarrow, I find a spot in the back of the cemetery near the cemetery wall overlooking the Arthur Schnitzler Hof.

The weeds have taken over here and completely cover the gravesite. Who do you think is buried here? The first step is to remove the ivy vines, which should not be pulled out of the ground, but cut at the level of the soil layer. It is also important to note that ivy that grows on tombstones made of sandstone should not simply be torn away, as this would damage the sandstone.

In the next step, I manually remove the approx. 5 cm thick humus layer together with the foliage. After the removal of two wheelbarrows full of humus, foliage and ivy vines, a gravestone becomes visible, which must have stood on the visible pedestal in earlier times. It is a granite tombstone that should be in good condition. It is now interesting to decipher the inscription.

With a small brush I remove the remaining humus and with water from my bottle and a cloth I expose the inscription of the gravestone. Depending on the angle of incidence of the sun, the inscription is better or worse to read. In the early afternoon it is then time to decipher the inscription.

Here rests: Babelle Sobelmann (née Halperson), merchant’s wife from Zaslaw in Russia d. on November 15, 1865, at the age of 25.

After two hours of work, I finish my job satisfied. I helped to give a gravesite a name again.

Andrea Schellner